Candidates for the Sydney by-election show their support for The Plan!
Sydney is having a by-election on the 27/October/2012 for the Sydney sit at the NSW Parliament and all 3 candidates have expressed their support to the Sustainable Communities Plan, Chris Harris from the Greens, Shayne Mallard the Liberal candidate and Alex Greenwich the independent candidate.
Special thanks to Chris Harris and to Alex Greenwich for making it down to Chippendale to be a part of our community discussion Panel at the Pine St Creative arts centre on Tuesday 16/October. Shayne Mallard sent his appologies for not being able to come, but we got his statement anyways!
Here are the stataments made:
Shayne Mallard
Liberal Candidate for Sydney, 2012 State By-Election
“ I want to convey my strong support of all participants, especially local residents, who are developing the Sustainable Communities Plan for Chippendale. I am strongly aware of the Sustainable Communities Plan and was very pleased to support the engagement of Michael Mobbs, a local resident and leading authority, in its development, while I was a City of Sydney Councillor.
As a long-term inner city resident and with a background in urban horticulture and now the food industry, I am a strong advocate of urban sustainability – or striking the best possible balance in our communities of environmental, social and economic outcomes.
A critical component of striking this balance – and particularly ensuring we are building cohesive communities and sustainable environments – is the involvement of the community at the planning stages. Communities have amazing knowledge and resources that governments need to do a better job of acknowledging and with working with. That’s why I am particularly excited about the Sustainable Communities Plan for Chippendale’s inclusive, community-based process. It can only lead to better results as Chippendale goes forward, especially as it’s population now rapidly grows.
Another important component is a holistic approach that looks at the totality of community life. Here again, I note the Sustainable Communities Plan’s scope is very comprehensive and highly integrated, covering how we live, work and play, and how to make those activities more sustainable and with a minimised footprint. It’s the best way to go when dealing with the complex issues – and opportunities – before our inner city communities.
I very much look forward to working with you in future, especially as the Sustainable Communities Plan goes to its next phase of development.”
Alex Greenwich
Independent Candidate for Sydney, 2012 State By-Election
“I strongly support initiatives that improve environment sustainability, and congratulate the team behind the Chippendale Sustainable Communities Plan for the energy and experience they have put into this plan.
It is great to see community proposing action for environmentally sustainable solutions.
This plan is a great example of the saying “it takes a village” and is full of excellent ideas.
The idea of linking the arts to environmental sustainability shows that the Chippendale community is willing to look beyond the obvious. But then, proposing a Sustainable Art project for Chippendale is something we should expect from a suburb that already has a thriving art scene with galleries, artists studios and the Pine Street Creative Arts Centre. If I am elected I am willing to work with the Chippendale community to make this project a reality.
I also support the general principle of planting native species where ever we can.
I am also excited by the proposals for stormwater harvesting, but they will need the involvement of Sydney Water to be implemented. If I am elected I commit to bringing together Sydney Water and the Chippendale community to pursue these proposals.
We must remember the plan is on public exhibition until Friday week – 28 October, and Council will be considering the comments that the community have made on the plan early in the new year.
The whole point of putting the plan on public exhibition was to get your feedback, and the feedback of everyone else in the community, so I don’t want to preempt that..
We also need to understand which actions in the plan are already being carried out by Council, which actions are the responsibility of Council and which ones are the State Government’s responsibility.
I make a commitment tonight that where the State Government has a responsibility, I will advocate for those actions that have community support”