Take Action: Join Us In Supporting A Sustainable Chippendale
Exciting news! The time has come to take action and show your support for The Plan.
We have set up a campaign on Do Gooder to enable you to voice your support!
Visit: www.sustainablechippendale.good.do
The Sustainable Streets and Community Plan for Chippendale creates a positive vision to address community concerns, it’s a way forward for suburbs in Australia and around the world.
The Plan offers households, businesses and council, proven ways to create a more exciting and sustainable community: environmentally, personally and financially. Driven by local residents and workers alike, the plan will save money for food, energy and water; reduce summer heat; and lower dangerous air and water pollution.
Whether we like it or not, human-induced climate change is a reality. The overwhelming majority of scientists and community leaders unanimously agree: urgent worldwide action is needed to reduce the damage we've done. And it must happen this decade.
Chippendale, like most suburbs in Australia, can easily become a sustainability leader.
Massive gains can be realised for residents and businesses potentially saving over $3 million in food, energy and water bills in the first three years of the plan.
We ask you to support the Sustainable Streets and Community Plan in Chippendale and help make our village a healthier, more resilient and vibrant place.
All you need to do is send an email of support below. It only takes a few seconds!
Visit: www.sustainablechippendale.good.do
Don't forget to forward this on to family and friends. Now is the time to come together and show our support!