Community Planting Event at Myrtle St, Chippendale

The City of Sydney invites you to a community planting event at Myrtle St nature strip in Chippendale.
When: Saturday 7 October 8am to 1pm.
Where: Myrtle St, Chippendale
What to bring: Sturdy covered shoes, hat, sunscreen and gardening gloves.
The ground will be prepared prior to planting and the council will be working with local residents and the Sustainable Chippendale group to replant bush tucker plants, native shrubs and grasses.
The footpath plants will include:
- Mint bush
- Lily turf grass
- Mat rush grass
- Rosemary
- Grevillea
- Banksia
These plants will green the street, provide edible plants and as well as encouraging more native bees in the inner city.
The city staff will be on site to provide planting demonstration and safety talk. We look forward to seeing you there.
Joel Johnson
City of Sydney