Collection of White Good and large Household Items, for FREE!!
The City offers a FREE kerbside collection for white goods and large household items every Wednesday. Bookings are essential and must be made by 2pm on the Tuesday before.
Call 9265 9333 to book.
Before using this service, consider 'Reuse' and see if you can find a new home for unwanted items.
What if I live in a unit?
You can still use the white goods and large household items service, but you will need to ask your building manager, caretaker or body corporate to call the City on 9265 9333.
What will be collected:
- White goods - fridges, washing
machines, ovens, BBQs
- Heaters, hotwater systems - household metal items
- Kitchen appliances
- Household appliances – TVs*, computers*, radios, toasters etc
- Furniture – lounges, rugs, mattresses etc
What will NOT be collected:
- Motor or cooking oil
- Vehicle batteries
- Tyres and car parts
- Carpet
- Building and demolition materials
Metal items like white goods are recycled. Everything else isn't.
* check E-Waste drop off days for those items.
Click here for: How to present household waste for collection.
Important! Make sure you read How to present bulky household waste for collection before booking. The City has strict guidelines about the way bulky items must be put out for collection and will not collect items that are not properly prepared.
If your items are not collected
If your items are missed on collection day, please ask your building manager, caretaker or body corporate to report the missed service on 9265 9333 so we can investigate why and arrange collection as soon as possible.
What happens to it?
White goods are taken away for metal recycling and used to make products like steel cans.
Top tips
- Protect young children - remove fridge/oven doors and place them next to appliances. This avoids the risk of suffocation.
- Place your white goods apart from your large household items – they are collected separately for metal recycling.
- Don’t put out items that aren’t booked for collection or you could be fined up to $1,500 for illegal dumping.
Fridge Buyback
Before putting your old second fridge out for our White Goods collection, why not try recycling it through the Fridge Buyback Scheme – you can save around $250 a year on your electricity bill and may even be eligible for a rebate.