Transplant of our Tahitian Lime
We have an exciting new bike path coming through Chippendale, but unfortunately our beautiful and healthy Tahitian Lime was on it's way and we had to transplant it, here are some photos of how it went!
Warwick and Eamonn digging out the Tahitian Lime ready for transplanting.
Serena with sledge hammer breaking up rocks to get a good rocky base for the lime and prevent it drowning in water.
Michael, Eamonn, Bianca and Serena working to free up the tree. We pruned it heavily to reduce the trauma for the tree being uprooted and transplanted.
Michael from QMC, the contractors building the bike path, with his machine to lift and move the lime.
Bianca, Serena and Eamonn with the tree in its new place. Fingers crossed the tree survives the trauma of the move
Great work guys! Thank you so much for saving our tree!