Welcome to our new Chippendale gardener!
"It was interesting to see how the shed was set up, the tools and how to use them and the compost bins are pretty amazing. In the hour or so that we were gardening on Sunday, it seemed very efficient – both the learning process and the actual gardening. I can see how I will be able to drop in at my convenience to do bits and pieces.
I will definitely remember to chat with residents so that they can become engaged in the project too – like you(Michael Mobbs) did with that lady from the units who has volunteered to water the fruit trees.
I’m going to bring my five year old with me from time to time. He loves worms and snails, but doesn’t get much ‘nature’ in the city. Now that I’ve seen what you are doing, I look around city streets and see so much wasted space, especially around my apartment building."
You can also help us with taking care of our street gardens, a few of us garden on Friday mornings, but if that is not a good day for you, do like Clare and contact us to arrange a time when we can show you what you can do and how, in a time that suits you, and then you do can your bit at any time you would like!
If you love our verge gardens like we do remember: Many hands make light work, and we need as many hands as we can get if want to keep them alive and happy!