Homegrown, Healthy Food = Better School Behaviour and Achievement
"The Food for Life Partnership has released the results of an independent evaluation carried out with the University of the West of England and Cardiff University that show that the homegrown and healthy food encouraged through the programme has a definite positive impact on children’s achievement and behaviour at school. The Food for Life Partnership is a network of 3,800 schools and communities across England that are committed to growing and eating healthy food in schools. The report found that the Food for Life Partnership had a positive impact on pupils’ personal development, behaviour, and exam performance, and that the positive changes also led to a better diet at home.
Better Behaviour and Exam Results
Martin Kane, deputy head Holly Lodge Girls’ College in West Derby, Liverpool, said: "By re-structuring lunchtimes, serving better quality food and improving the total dining experience we have seen a substantial decline in the incidences of poor behaviour in the afternoon and this in turn has had an impact on academic achievement. Last year the number of A*-C at Grade C & above including English & maths was 34%. This year it increased to 51%. Similarly, 59% of students gained 5 A*-C at Grade C and above compared to 86% this year.""
And then there is this beautiful faces you will get when they get to see what they have grown themselves!
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