Help tackle illegal graffiti!
Graffiti Action Day kicks-off on Sunday 15 May and the City of Sydney has joined forces with Keep Australia Beautiful and the NSW Government.
Keep Australia Beautiful started Graffiti Action Day in 2010 because it’s a great way for local communities to take a very public and collective stand against illegal graffiti.
Graffiti Action Day 2011 will focus on cleaning, painting and preventing illegal graffiti.
To make this day a success the City of Sydney needs your help at its clean up site in Ultimo from 9am – 1pm. Just meet us at Wentworth Park Light Rail at 9am.
Not only will you remove graffiti, but you’ll also learn from experts about the best methods to remove it and how to avoid it altogether. This year’s activities will also focus on planting trees and other natives with Pyrmont Ultimo Landcare to create a barrier to deter graffiti.
To register your interest, please contact Brooke Lampard at the City of Sydney via email, call 8019 6944 or register online.
Light snacks will be provided.
Learn more about Graffiti Action Day here.