Sustainable Chippendale

A Sustainable Suburb In the Making

Sustainable Chippendale is a community initiative setup to support the Sustainable Streets and Community Plan in Chippendale. If you are passionate about sustainability we'd love you to join us in getting behind this ground breaking project to establish a practical model for sustainable inner city living in Sydney.

Chippendale have got its own garden shed!!

This Friday 13/May our new garden shed arrived.
It is in the yard of the Pine Street Creative Centre near the western boundary fence.
Any gardener will have access to it.
Now anyone will be able to get garden gear and garden at any time that suits them.
The Council officer who has made this happen, Russ Grayson, will get a lock for it and we can give the combination code to any gardener so they may gain access.
The manager of Pine Street, Jane Hooper, is getting one of the Centre’s tutors to design a garden themed mural for the shed – then get community volunteers to paint it – should look great!
The equipment bought for us by local businesses: wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, etc and the gear Council has given us – gloves, organic fertilizer, Roach Pruf, etc – can go into the shed.
We’ll need to organise this inside the shed; you know, everything in its place and a place for everything . . . . labels, notice board, contacts, etc. Time now for the artists, graphic designers, printers, etc among us to put your hands up to make the shed . . . . The Shed.

So, do come gardening with us on Fridays between 9 to 11 am to know more or use this space to ask questions!

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